The Best Approach to Treating Alcoholism: Inpatient Rehabilitation

Alcoholism affects millions of people worldwide. If you or a loved one is an alcoholic, you know firsthand how serious the problem is. There’s a lot of shame associated with alcoholism. you don’t need to feel ashamed anymore.

We know today through many years of research that it is a chronic brain disease resulting in an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, loss of control over how much is drunk and when it is drunk (often at the most inopportune times), increased tolerance to alcohol’s effects (requiring more and more alcohol to achieve satiation), and this leads to physical dependence.
Effective alcohol rehab requires a comprehensive approach delivered by certified professionals delivering a holistic approach that addresses not only the physical withdrawal (the easiest part of treatment!) but also the psychological and emotional components. Some alcoholics’ addiction is so severe that an inpatient rehabilitation centre is the only option that’ll deliver good results. Severe alcoholics need the opportunity to get down to “causes and conditions”, the reasons why and how they became addicted and what they can do to make the transition to stable recovery. Here are the benefits of inpatient rehab and the various components that contribute to its success.

Inpatient rehab provides a controlled and supportive environment for individuals seeking recovery from alcoholism. The following are some of the benefits of inpatient rehab:
1. 24/7 support: Inpatient rehab facilities offer round-the-clock care and support from trained medical professionals and addiction specialists. This constant support ensures that patients receive the help they need to manage withdrawal symptoms and maintain sobriety.
2. Structured environment: Inpatient rehab programs provide a structured environment that helps patients establish healthy routines and habits. As active addiction is, by its very nature chaotic and unmanageable, the daily programme structure as an inpatient is important in beginning to provide a framework that patients can begin to use to break the cycle of addiction and maintain long-term sobriety.
3. No access to alcohol: Inpatient facilities ensure that patients do not have access to alcohol, making it easier for them to focus on their recovery without the temptation to drink.
4. Peer support: Inpatient rehab centres offer group therapy and support groups, allowing patients to connect with others who are facing similar challenges. This peer support is invaluable in fostering a sense of belonging and providing motivation to continue on the path to recovery.
5. Comprehensive care: Inpatient rehab programs offer a range of services, including medical care, therapy, and counselling, that address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction.

Elements of Inpatient Rehab: these programs typically involve various components, each designed to address a different aspect of alcohol addiction. These components include:
1. Detoxification: The first step in inpatient rehab is detoxification, which involves the process of eliminating alcohol from the body. Severe alcoholism withdrawal can be life-threatening. Medical professionals at the rehab facility monitor patients closely during detox to ensure their safety and comfort.
2. Medication-assisted treatment: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. There are now medications that help with withdrawal and also reduce cravings in the long run: naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram.
3. Individual therapy: Individual therapy sessions with a trained counsellor or therapist can help patients identify the underlying causes of their alcohol addiction and develop strategies to cope with triggers and cravings. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is one an oft used tool in individual therapy. This helps patients change thought patterns related to drinking and hopefully can contribute to changed behaviour.
4. Group therapy: Group therapy sessions provide patients with the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from others in similar situations. These sessions can help patients build a support network and develop healthy coping strategies.
5. Family therapy: Addiction affects not only the individual struggling with alcoholism but also their family members and loved ones. Family sessions are crucial as alcoholism doesn’t survive in isolation. Patients and families must address issues related to codependency and dysfunctional dynamics that contribute to an environment that maintains the status quo. These old patterns are a strong contributor to relapse and families must have an opportunity to develop healthier interpersonal relations that support each member’s recovery process.
6. Holistic therapies: Many inpatient rehab centres also offer holistic therapies, such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy. These therapies can help patients develop healthy coping mechanisms and improve their overall well-being.
7. Aftercare planning: Before completing an inpatient rehab program, patients work with their treatment team to develop a comprehensive aftercare plan. This plan may include ongoing therapy, support group attendance, and regular check-ins with medical professionals to ensure long-term sobriety and prevent relapse.
8. Relapse prevention education: Inpatient rehab programs often incorporate relapse prevention education, teaching patients the skills and strategies necessary to maintain their sobriety after leaving the facility. This education may include identifying triggers, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and creating a support network.
9. Nutritional counselling: Alcoholism can take a significant toll on an individual’s physical health, often leading to nutritional deficiencies. Inpatient rehab centres may offer nutritional counselling to help patients understand the importance of a balanced diet and learn how to make healthy food choices to support their recovery.
10. Physical fitness and recreational activities: Many inpatient rehab centres offer physical fitness programs and recreational activities to help patients build healthy habits and improve their overall well-being. These activities may include sports, hiking, swimming, or yoga, depending on the facility and the patient’s interests and abilities.
11. Dual diagnosis treatment: For those individuals struggling with both alcohol addiction and a co-occurring mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety, dual diagnosis treatment is essential. Inpatient rehab centres that offer dual diagnosis treatment can provide the specialized care needed to address both conditions simultaneously, increasing the likelihood of a successful recovery.
12. Life skills training: Inpatient rehab programs often include life skills training to help patients navigate the challenges of life outside the facility. This training may cover topics such as budgeting, job searching, and time management, preparing patients for a successful transition back to their everyday lives.
Inpatient rehabilitation offers comprehensive treatment in a way that outpatient treatment cannot. It’s for those with moderate to severe AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) and structured in a way that delivers tools needed for long-term sobriety. With 24-hour care and evidence-based therapies, this allows a total focus on physical and psychological well-being. By addressing the root causes of alcoholism and providing ongoing support, inpatient rehab programs can help individuals build a strong foundation for a successful and lasting recovery.

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