Underage Drinking and Teen Alcohol Use

Why Teens Drink Alcohol and How to Help Them Stop Worried about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking? There are effective ways to help your teen cope with the pressures to drink alcohol and make healthier choices. Consequences of Underage Drinking Discovering that your child or teen is drinking alcohol can be alarming. Underage...

Living with Alcoholism in South Africa

Portrayed in media as angry outbursts, smashed bottles, and dramatic exits, the reality of living with an alcoholic can be far more complex. Alcoholism affects people from all walks of life, and the stereotypical image of someone lying in the gutter should be left in the past. Often, it’s like living beside a quietly flowing...

Navigating Triggers and Cravings In South Africa

It takes a lot of bravery to take the first step on the road to recovery from an alcohol addiction, whether that’s checking into rehab or making the decision to start drinking less. Your ability to control urges and triggers is an essential component of your treatment and the cornerstone of sobriety over the long...

Building Healthy Coping Skills In Addiction Therapy

Embarking on the journey of addiction recovery is a courageous step. One crucial element to your success is developing healthy coping skills. These will serve as tools in your toolkit, providing alternatives to substance use when faced with stressors, triggers, or uncomfortable emotions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build those skills within the...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Modern Addiction Treatment

Discover the transformative power of personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in modern addiction treatment. By addressing the intricate interplay between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, CBT offers a powerful tool for change. Drawing upon the latest research and insights, we invite you to explore how CBT can support your journey towards lasting recovery. If you or...

Using Medical Aid to Fund Rehab Treatment

As someone who has personally battled addiction, I understand the importance of seeking professional help to overcome it. In South Africa, many people may feel that rehab is financially out of reach for them, but thankfully, medical aid can help bridge that gap. By utilising medical aid, those in need can focus on their recovery...

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